Adam’s apple reduction, medically known as Chondrolaryngoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the thyroid cartilage, often referred to as the Adam’s apple. This operation is usually performed for aesthetic reasons, or to help transgender people achieve a more feminine appearance by reducing the protrusion of the neck.

What is Adam’s apple reduction?

Adam’s apple reduction is a surgery that removes part of the thyroid cartilage, which is located in the neck area. This cartilage is more developed in men than in women, giving men a more pronounced Adam’s apple appearance. Reducing the Adam’s apple creates a smoother neck and a more feminine appearance.

How does it work?

During Adam’s apple reduction surgery, the surgeon will make a small incision in the neck area. Next, he will carefully remove part of the thyroid cartilage to reduce the protrusion. After the operation, stitches will be used to close the incision, and a dressing will be applied.

When is an Adam’s apple reduction indicated?

This procedure is generally indicated in the following cases:

  1. Aesthetic reasons: Some people, men or women, simply want a more harmonious neck and a more balanced appearance.
  2. Transgender people: Transgender people who wish to have a more feminine appearance can opt for this surgery to reduce the protrusion of their Adam’s apple.

Results and possible risks

The results of Adam’s apple reduction are generally satisfactory. Patients notice a smoother neck and more feminine appearance after complete healing. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, including :

  1. Infection: Wound infection is possible after surgery.
  2. Bleeding: Excessive bleeding may occur during or after surgery.
  3. Scars: Although scars are generally small and unobtrusive, they can vary from person to person.

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A Propos De l'Auteur

Je m'appelle Ayline. Je suis journaliste et rédactrice du blog Medespoir Esthétique Turquie. J'ai obtenu un Master 2 en Information et Communication spécialisé santé. J'ai 5 ans d'expérience dans l'écriture sur le web santé et bien-être.
Passionnée par le domaine de l'esthétique médicale depuis longtemps, j'ai créé mon blog il y a 3 ans pour informer et conseiller les personnes intéressées par la chirurgie et médecine esthétique.
Mon objectif est de vulgariser ces sujets parfois complexes, de démystifier certaines idées reçues et d'aider à y voir plus clair parmi l'offre abondante.
Je réalise des articles pédagogiques, je donne mon avis sur les dernières innovations, je compare les offres entre pays, je teste de nouvelles cliniques.
Je publie également régulièrement des portraits détaillés de chirurgiens esthétiques renommés en Turquie, en France et à l'international.
Grâce à mon expérience d'écriture et ma curiosité, je sais rendre mes sujets accessibles à tous tout en gardant un regard critique et bienveillant.