Patients may wish to undergo breast augmentation surgery because they want to change the size or shape of their breasts, because they prefer a change, or because they feel insecure about the appearance of their current breasts. In other cases, people consult a plastic surgeon for corrective breast surgery because of malformations of their breasts. This is the case with tuberous breasts, medically known ashypoplasia or congenital anomaly of the breast tissue.

What is a tuberous breast?

Tuberous breasts are a pathological condition in which the breasts lack breast tissue, either vertically, horizontally or in both directions. The result is a lack of mass around the breast. Lack of breast tissue gives the impression that the breasts are tube-shaped and move outwards or downwards away from the body.

Causes of tuberous breasts

During puberty, if breast tissue doesn’t proliferate, this can lead to breast deformity and a tubular appearance, meaning the nipple is fully formed, but the breast tissue around the nipple has an elongated shape.
Although the appearance of tubular breasts does not occur until puberty, many doctors believe that the cause of this congenital condition known as hypoplasia occurs in-utero and is due to a genetic alteration. Other doctors believe that irregularities in the collagen can affect the development and appearance of the breasts, giving them a tubular shape, instead of the expected rounded breast shape.

Although no one knows the underlying cause of tuberous breasts, plastic surgeons can perform corrective surgery to create the appearance of volume in the breast tissue through a breast augmentation surgery.

Symptoms of tuberous breasts

Breasts come in all shapes and sizes, often becoming apparent at puberty. Although there is no identifiable cause of tuberous breasts, certain common characteristics are present.

Symptoms of tuberous breasts include:

  • Breasts are cylindrical rather than rounded.
  • The breast tissue is compressed at the base.
  • An abnormally high lower mammary fold gives the impression that the breasts are drooping.
  • In the case of asymmetrical tuberous breasts, one breast appears to have a typical rounded shape, but the other breast seems underdeveloped in comparison.

Classification of tuberous breasts

When diagnosing and classifying a person’s type of tuberous breasts, several basic characteristics are examined.

  • Degree of constriction.
  • Location of the inframammary fold.
  • Granular volume of the breast.
  • The amount of overlapping skin.
  • The degree of breast sagging.
  • Areola size.

There are three classifications of tuberous breasts:

  • Type I: minor constriction and elevation of the mammary fold, minimal or non-existent insufficiency in the lower quadrant of the breast, enlarged areola and slight to severe drooping of the breast.
  • Type II: moderate constriction with some elevation of the mammary fold, moderate insufficiency in the lower quadrants of both breasts, with little or no breast drop, and a normal/expected or slightly enlarged areola.
  • Type III: strong constriction at the base of the breast, strong insufficiency of the glandular volume of the breast, slight to moderate drooping of the breast and significant herniation of the areola (also known as “domed nipple”).

How can I improve the shape of tuberous breasts?

Patients with tuberous breasts have the option of corrective surgery. Improved self-esteem, physical comfort and ability to breastfeed, confidence in intimate relationships and feeling better in one’s clothes are all life-changing benefits for those who undergo surgery to improve the appearance of their tuberous breasts.

Tuberous breasts correction result

Breast augmentation to improve the appearance of tuberous breasts

Breast implants can round out and fill out the shape of tuberous breasts, transforming them into a more desirable size and shape with which you’ll feel confident. Based on the specific goals you have set for your body, you and your surgeon will determine the breast size and shape best suited to your breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation with breast lift to improve tuberous breasts

A breast lift with augmentation is a common procedure used to correct the size and shape of tuberous breasts, particularly in moderate to severe cases of tuberous breast deformity. In addition to breast implants, your surgeon will perform a breast lift. Lifting the breast tissue and replacing the areola and nipple will lift the breast, giving you the firm, symmetrical, round breasts you’ve always imagined.

Correction of breast asymmetry to improve tuberous breasts

In rare cases where only one breast has become tuberous, a patient may be a candidate for corrective surgery for
breast asymmetry
. This is a common breast surgery procedure for women, as most of them have breasts that are not exactly the same size. When the two breasts have a different shape, when the nipples nipples are oriented differently, or the areas of projection or mass are different, surgeons can shape one breast to match the other. If you have one tuberous breast and one normal-shaped breast, or if you have breasts with varying degrees of tuberous malformations, you may be a good candidate for a procedure to improve breast symmetry.

Nipple reduction surgery for the improvement of tuberous breasts

Almost everyone knows someone or at least one person who has had a breast augmentation or breast lift, but talking about nipple reduction surgery is much less popular in society. This is not because people don’t undergo nipple reduction, but because many are unaware of the very existence of this corrective surgery. Nipple reduction surgery corrects the appearance of oversized nipples that protrude outward. When looking for solutions to improve tuberous breasts, you can discuss the benefits of nipple reduction or nipple reduction combined with another common breast procedure.

Breast reduction to improve tuberous breasts in men

Women aren’t the only ones affected by tuberous breasts. In men, tuberous breasts can lead to numerous self-esteem problems, just as in women. However, men sometimes find it more difficult to conceal their tuberous breasts under clothing, not least because they don’t wear bras that can give the impression that their breasts are shaped differently from their own. For men, a male breast reduction or male breast reduction with nipple reduction is an excellent way to alleviate the stress, anxiety and insecurity associated with tuberous breasts.

How should I prepare for tuberous breast surgery?

It’s important to prepare for tuberous breast repair surgery. When we schedule your surgery, the surgeon will discuss everything you need to know on the day of the operation. It’s a good idea to stop smoking at least 6 months before the procedure, have all the medications you’ll need filled out in advance, avoid taking aspirin or anticoagulants before the procedure, and arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment.

How long does tuberous breast surgery last?

Tuberous breast surgery is performed under general anesthesia and can take from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the procedure(s) performed.

What is the recovery process after surgery to correct tuberous breasts?

After the operation, you will normally spend some time in our facility for observation. Once you return home, you should rest for a few days after your tuberous breast operation. Although every patient is different, on average, most people can return to work within one to two weeks, and feel completely recovered after six weeks.

What are the risks of reconstructive surgery for tuberous breasts?

Any surgical procedure involves a certain level of risk when a person is placed under anesthesia. Risks include swelling, bruising, bleeding and infection. When you work with a reputable plastic surgeon who has performed thousands of operations like yours, you can be sure that he or she takes every precaution to ensure that your safety and well-being are at the forefront of every decision they make.

How much does reconstructive surgery for tuberous breasts cost?

The cost of your corrective breast surgery to improve the shape of your tuberous breasts will depend on the procedure you choose. You can consult our rates for breast surgery in Turkey and request a personalized quote by filling out this form:

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A Propos De l'Auteur

Je m'appelle Ayline. Je suis journaliste et rédactrice du blog Medespoir Esthétique Turquie. J'ai obtenu un Master 2 en Information et Communication spécialisé santé. J'ai 5 ans d'expérience dans l'écriture sur le web santé et bien-être.
Passionnée par le domaine de l'esthétique médicale depuis longtemps, j'ai créé mon blog il y a 3 ans pour informer et conseiller les personnes intéressées par la chirurgie et médecine esthétique.
Mon objectif est de vulgariser ces sujets parfois complexes, de démystifier certaines idées reçues et d'aider à y voir plus clair parmi l'offre abondante.
Je réalise des articles pédagogiques, je donne mon avis sur les dernières innovations, je compare les offres entre pays, je teste de nouvelles cliniques.
Je publie également régulièrement des portraits détaillés de chirurgiens esthétiques renommés en Turquie, en France et à l'international.
Grâce à mon expérience d'écriture et ma curiosité, je sais rendre mes sujets accessibles à tous tout en gardant un regard critique et bienveillant.