Leg lengthening in Istanbul, Turkey is a surgical procedure, also known asosteodistraction, to increase the size of the legs by stretching the bones. Although controversial, it offers many people the opportunity to realize their dream of gaining a few centimetres in height.

The motivations behind leg-lengthening

One of the main reasons why people consider leg lengthening is to gain self-confidence. For many people, height is closely linked to self-esteem, and a few extra centimetres can have a significant impact on their confidence and self-perception.

Some people opt for this surgery for personal reasons, such as seeking a better balance between their figure and the possibility of wearing clothes they like better. Others may be motivated by professional goals, believing that increasing their size can positively influence their career.

Leg lengthening surgery in Turkey

Preoperative assessment

The leg-lengthening process begins with a thorough evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in this operation. The patient discusses his or her goals, undergoes medical and radiological examinations, and receives a detailed explanation of the process.

Preparing for surgery

Once the decision has been made, the patient is prepared for surgery. This may include blood tests, a cardiac evaluation, and discussions on the choice of surgical method.

The operation

The surgery itself involves making incisions in the leg bones, usually in the tibia and femur. The bones are separated slightly, and an osteodistraction device is attached to maintain the gap. As the weeks go by, the bones regenerate, gradually filling the space created and increasing the length of the legs.

The recovery period

After surgery, the patient must observe a prolonged recovery period. This may include physiotherapy sessions to restore mobility, as well as follow-up consultations to monitor progress.

Recovery time after leg lengthening may vary depending on the surgical method, the extent of lengthening and the patient’s individual response. In general, a prolonged recovery period is to be expected, ranging from several months to over a year.

Surgical techniques used for leg lengthening

Leg lengthening is a complex operation that offers patients the possibility of significantly increasing their height. This surgical procedure can be performed using a variety of techniques:

Tibial Lengthening

This technique is one of the most commonly used for leg lengthening. It involves incising the tibia (lower leg bone) and attaching an osteodistraction device. This device gradually stretches the bone, stimulating bone regeneration.

Femoral lengthening

Femoral lengthening involves incising the femur bone (the thigh bone) to fix an osteodistraction device. This technique is often used when greater gains in size are required.

Lengthening by clavicle

Clavicle lengthening is a less common technique, but is used to increase upper body height by extending the clavicles. This may be associated with an increase in size.

Phalangeal lengthening

This technique is used to lengthen fingers or toes. Although not directly related to leg lengthening, it can be chosen for aesthetic reasons.

Cost of leg lengthening in Turkey

The price of leg lengthening in Istanbul, Turkey
ranges from €5,000 to €15,000. C
he cost can vary considerably depending on a number of factors, including the surgical technique, the extent of the desired lengthening and the associated care. It is essential to discuss costs in detail with the surgeon and to plan the operation financially. Investing in leg lengthening can be a significant decision for many people, but it’s crucial to make sure you understand all the associated costs before making an informed decision. Schedule an online consultation with our board-certified surgeon by filling out this form:

Benefits of leg lengthening surgery in Istanbul, Turkey

  1. Increased size: The most obvious benefit is increased size, which can improve self-confidence and personal satisfaction.
  2. Correcting inequalities: Leg lengthening can also be used to correct inequalities in leg length, improving the patient’s posture and gait.
  3. Affordability: The prices for cosmetic and orthopedic surgery
    and orthopedic surgery in Turkey are very affordable, and the expertise of the surgeons in Istanbul and the comprehensive care offered encourage patients to take the plunge.
Leg lengthening Before - After
Leg lengthening Before – After

Potential Complications

Although rare, certain complications may arise during the postoperative period of leg lengthening, including:

  • Infection: Infection of the incisions is possible and requires immediate treatment.
  • Persistent pain: Persistent pain may occur and should be reported to the surgeon.
  • Delayed bone healing: In rare cases, bones may take longer to heal, prolonging the recovery period.

Are there any limits to leg lengthening?

Yes, there are limits to leg lengthening, depending on the patient’s health and the surgical method chosen. The surgeon will evaluate these factors to determine what is feasible.

Are the results of leg lengthening permanent?

Yes, results are generally permanent, although proper post-operative care and compliance with the surgeon ‘s recommendations are essential.

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A Propos De l'Auteur

Je m'appelle Ayline. Je suis journaliste et rédactrice du blog Medespoir Esthétique Turquie. J'ai obtenu un Master 2 en Information et Communication spécialisé santé. J'ai 5 ans d'expérience dans l'écriture sur le web santé et bien-être.
Passionnée par le domaine de l'esthétique médicale depuis longtemps, j'ai créé mon blog il y a 3 ans pour informer et conseiller les personnes intéressées par la chirurgie et médecine esthétique.
Mon objectif est de vulgariser ces sujets parfois complexes, de démystifier certaines idées reçues et d'aider à y voir plus clair parmi l'offre abondante.
Je réalise des articles pédagogiques, je donne mon avis sur les dernières innovations, je compare les offres entre pays, je teste de nouvelles cliniques.
Je publie également régulièrement des portraits détaillés de chirurgiens esthétiques renommés en Turquie, en France et à l'international.
Grâce à mon expérience d'écriture et ma curiosité, je sais rendre mes sujets accessibles à tous tout en gardant un regard critique et bienveillant.