Face lift Istanbul: Best price face rejuvenation Turkey

The face and neck lift, more commonly known as the Istanbul neck lift, is a highly sought-after cosmetic procedure in plastic surgery, especially for people over 50.

The facelift you will undergo in Turkey, with Medespoir gives the face a more youthful appearance and improves the aesthetics of the entire face without altering its physiognomy.
This procedure can be performed individually or, more often, be combined with rhinoplasty or blepharoplasty.

Changing this anatomical region is a very delicate operation and must be performed by the surgeon with special care, as the expressiveness of the area around the eyebrows is very important in determining whether a person is tired, angry, depressed, happy, young or old.

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What imperfections can be eliminated with a neck lift?

Prolonged exposure to the sun, the stress of daily life, poor diet, and the effects of gravity lead to inevitable signs of aging in the face and neck, which manifest themselves in more or less deep wrinkles around the eyes and between the nose and mouth, sagging cheeks, and the formation of fat deposits, mainly around the chin and neck.

A facelift in Turkey, eliminates these imperfections by removing wrinkles and excess fat, repositioning facial muscles and stretching the skin of the face, jaw and neck.

In facial aesthetics, high, prominent cheeks are essential for giving an impression of beauty and youthfulness. Normal aging processes progressively reduce the fullness of the cheeks and lead to a gradual thinning and sliding of the tissues downward. In recent years, many surgical procedures have been developed to address these imperfections. The most effective is the midface lift or Midface-lift.
The brow lift is also indicated to raise and reposition the forehead/temporal and periocular region that has slipped with aging or to correct this region that is congenitally non-harmonious.

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Patient guide

How is the face and neck lift in Turkey done?

The neck lift is often performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, and with one or two nights of hospitalization.

Small forehead or brow lifts are always performed under local anesthesia with sedation (which means you will be awake but relaxed and unaffected by pain) and on an outpatient basis.

In the case of a full face lift, the incisions are barely visible because they are hidden in the hair and in front of and behind the ears. In rare cases, an incision under the chin may be necessary to improve the appearance of the neck.

Sometimes a facelift can be combined with neck liposuction to improve the profile and appearance of the entire face.

The most commonly used surgical technique for the midface lift is to make two incisions: one inside the mouth (in the lower cheek) and one in the hair behind the temple, that is, with non-visible incisions.

First, the soft tissue of the cheek is reshaped to allow for movement. The tissue is then fixed, using absorbable material, to the temporal region in the desired position. In only some cases, it may be necessary to also make an incision in the lower eyelid to achieve additional tissue lifting.

The duration of the procedure varies between 60 and 120 minutes.

The Sequels

What are the postoperative consequences of face lift in Turkey?

In the 48 hours following the face lift surgery in Turkey, you will need to rest with your head slightly elevated and you will need to wound your wounds daily.

During the first two days, swelling and bruising may appear around the treated area.

In rare cases, hematoma, infection, keloid scarring, temporary or permanent facial nerve damage may occur.

From the third day onward, you can resume your normal life, but avoid strenuous activity and sun exposure.

Initially, the face will appear more swollen than the final result, but within 2 to 3 weeks, the swelling and edema will gradually disappear.

Beginning in the third week, you can gradually resume all your normal activities, including sports.

The result, which can be appreciated after the first three weeks, will definitely be achieved about six months after the facelift surgery.

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Patient guide


What results can be achieved after a neck lift?

The result of a face lift is usually very satisfying and long-lasting, but not permanent, as it will always be conditioned by your lifestyle (weight gain and loss, smoking, etc.) and the inevitable effects of gravity and aging.

To make it last as long as possible, you can opt for tensor thread placement or filler injections like hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin.


How much does a face lift cost in Turkey?

The cost and price of a facelift in Turkey can vary depending on the facial areas being treated. Medespoir offers competitive, all-inclusive rates. For more information, we invite you to contact our team or fill out the online quote form.

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