Istanbul keratopigmentation: eye color change cheap price Turkey

What is keratopigmentation?

Turkish keratopigmentation is a technique that permanently changes the color of the eye by creating an intra-corneal tunnel using a femtosecond laser and inserting a special pigment in front of the eye's natural pigment.

This eye color change procedure, called corneal tattooing, does not require the eye to be opened and therefore avoids intraocular complications such as bleeding, infection, retinal detachment and glaucoma.

Automated by the laser technology of the highest precision, keratopigmentation in Istanbul is performed under topical anesthesia with anesthetic eye drops and is painless.

What are the eye color pigments used?

The pigments injected into the eyes consist of the natural plant equivalent of propylene glycol and PH modifiers (lactic acid or Na-hydroxide), such as chromium oxides, ultramarine, copper phthalocyanine, titanium dioxide, black iron oxide, and iron oxide depending on the color you choose.

prix keratopigmentation Istanbul Turquie

Will my eyes look natural after keratopigmentation?

Most of the pigments used during a keratopigmentation in Turkey look natural, however, some people might realize that your eyes have been altered if they look at them from a distance and under bright light. This is more evident with the less diluted dye used, creating a more intense coloration of the eye.

How will my vision look right after the procedure?

Just after the procedure, your vision will be a little blurry and remain so for a few hours and often into the next day. In some cases, light hypersensitivity and foreign body sensation, as well as dryness, may persist longer, but are usually quickly alleviated by prescribing anti-inflammatory medication and artificial tears.

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Will the results of keratopigmentation be long lasting?

Keratopigmentation offers a permanent result for a long time. However, if the color fades after several months or years, it can be enhanced and restored. You can do up to 2 to corrections after the initial keratopigmentation in Istanbul.

What is the recovery time?

In most cases, you will be able to resume your normal routine, including physical activities, within 2 to 3 days of keratopigmentation, although you may experience some residual discomfort. Additional drops will be prescribed for treatment for another 20 days.

Is Keratopigmentation reversible?

Although keratopigmentation causes a permanent color change, some pigment can still be removed, with residual pigment remaining around the pupil and limbal ring.

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Patient Guide

What are some other techniques for changing eye color?

All surgery has risks, but serious complications from a canthoplasty are extremely rare. Swelling and bruising are common during the first few weeks postoperatively and usually disappear within two to three weeks. You may also experience dry eyes, excessive tearing and blurred vision in the first few weeks after surgery.

There are several ways to change your eye color, each with risks, benefits and drawbacks.

Contact Lenses

The first, and simplest, is colored contact lenses. The advantage is that it's not a lifetime commitment - you can stop wearing them at any time or wear different colors whenever you want, and secondly, the lenses can also correct your vision. However, lenses are not for everyone.

Iris depigmentation

Laser depigmentation of the iris is another innovative procedure to change eye color from light/medium brown to blue, but it has potential complications, such as iris damage, inflammation, pigment dispersion, and glaucoma.

Iris implants

Silicone iris implants are considered the riskiest method of changing eye color. It is very often found to increase the risk of chronic inflammation, glaucoma and cataract.