Mommy Makeover price Turkey: post-delivery cosmetic surgeries

The Mommy makeover in Turkey is a procedure that includes, as an option, several cosmetic surgery operations that mainly aims to return, in the shortest possible time, to the appearance that the woman had before pregnancy. In a nutshell, Mommy Makeover is a quick way to return to the original, pre-pregnancy state by eliminating unwanted cosmetic defects caused by pregnancy.

It is a combination of various procedures such as liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, breast reduction or breast lift. Thus, the Mommy Makeover consists primarily of performing separate surgeries at one time under local anesthesia, although in some cases it can be performed under general anesthesia and with a hospital stay of less than 48 hours.

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When can we do a Mommy Makeover?

The Mommy Makeover can be performed from six months after delivery, depending on the weight the woman has gained during pregnancy and also on the quality of her skin. This treatment is performed because it offers an effective and quick solution to the aesthetic problems generated by pregnancy, but carries the inherent risks of surgery.

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How does the Mommy Makeover treatment work?

After a medical examination, the surgeon will show the patient the areas of the body that can be modified by a Mommy Makeover in Turkey. On their part, the surgeon and his team will necessarily have to know all the pathologies that the patient may be suffering from, as well as her possible drug allergies, previous operations performed and her drinking habits. A pre-operative examination must therefore also be performed, evaluating, among other things, the biochemistry of the blood or the cardiovascular condition.

The procedure consists of a series of operations, which are performed after pregnancy. The most common are:

Mammoplasty: consists of lifting breasts that have fallen after pregnancy and breastfeeding, with the goal of returning them to their usual shape, or increasing their size to fill in the volume of the overlying skin.

Abdominoplasty: its main objective is to restore the patient's abdomen to its usual firmness by removing pockets of fat, overlying skin and tightening the muscles, through a small incision in the pubic bone.

Liposuction and liposculpture: overlying fat is removed by liposuction and liposculpture restores the original figure.

What is the postoperative aftermath of a Mommy Makeover in Turkey?

The aftermath of the surgery varies depending on the combination of surgical procedures performed. Typically, the patient should be hospitalized for at least 24 hours and receive pain medication for the first 72 hours.

The patient will need to wear a support bandage for the first four weeks, and postoperative massage may be performed at the same time.

The patient will go home with numerous bruises, making the first few days difficult, although she will gradually feel better and better.

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What are the results of the Mommy Makeover?

After a Mommy Makeover in Turkey, the results will be consistent with the requests and predictions made during the pre-operative interview. Generally speaking, the goal of the Mommy Makeover is to restore the figure and make it as slim, harmonious and agile as it was before the pregnancy. Therefore:

  • A flat stomach;
  • Higher, firmer breasts (and larger or smaller depending on the type of breast augmentation chosen);
  • A slimmer figure if you have opted for liposuction or liposculpture.

The most important outcome of a Mommy Makeover, however, is the psychological one. Young mothers who finally see themselves in the body they feel is theirs and that they have always loved are satisfied with their bodies.

What is the price of the Mommy Makeover in Turkey?

With Medespoir, the price of Mommy Makeover in Turkey is cheaper than in France or elsewhere. The proposed cost includes several services and care, besides the surgical procedure. However, the price may change depending on the operations included in the Mommy Makeover procedure.

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