Istanbul bariatric surgery: best price bariatric surgery Turkey

Bariatric surgery has become one of the most widely performed surgeries in Turkey and elsewhere, as obesity has become a global health problem.

Also known as overweight or fatty degeneration, obesity is an excessive increase in body fat that leads to various health problems.

Obesity causes diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and hypertension, and these diseases cause the deaths of thousands of people each year.

What causes obesity?

Many factors favor a person's attainment of morbid obesity and overweight:

  • Neurological factors
  • Physiological factors
  • Psychological Problems
  • Excessive, improper and unhealthy eating habits
  • .
  • Genetic factors
  • Environmental factors

What is the cost of bariatric surgery in Istanbul?

  • Istanbul Gastric Sleeve price from 3950€
  • Price Gastric Bypass Istanbul from 6150€
  • Price Istanbul gastric ring from 3650€
  • Gastric Balloon Istanbul price from 1900€
prix chirurgie obesite Istanbul

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The types of bariatric surgery performed in Istanbul

In addition to being a problem in and of itself, obesity can also trigger other health problems, and this problem can be addressed through surgery. Procedures include gastric sleeve, gastric banding, gastric balloon and gastric bypass.

Gastric Sleeve

The sleeve gastrectomy in Istanbul is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the stomach and therefore the amount of food swallowed.

Gastric bypass in Istanbul

By placing a gastric band around the stomach, the size of the stomach is reduced through surgery.

Gastric Balloon in Istanbul

Intragastric balloon placement of an intragastric balloon involves placing a saline-filled silicone balloon into the stomach.

Gastric bypass in Istanbul

The Gastric Bypass involves bypassing a certain part of the small intestine is bypassed. In this way, the volume of the stomach is reduced.

What you should know before bariatric surgery in Istanbul?

  • The process begins by measuring the patient's height and weight and determining their BMI (Body Mass Index), which must be greater than or equal to 40 kg/m2. One of the appropriate operative techniques is subsequently selected for the patient.
  • If the patient is taking certain medications regularly, physicians should be informed prior to surgery.
  • All necessary examinations and tests should be performed prior to surgery.
  • As the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, patients should stop consuming solid foods before 12 hours and liquids before 8 hours.

What you need to know after bariatric surgery in Istanbul?

  • 4 hours after surgery, the patient stands with the help of medical staff.
  • The patient must stay in the clinic for two nights.
  • After discharge from the hospital, all medications prescribed by physicians should be used as recommended.
  • Depending on the type of surgery, the appropriate diet given by the doctor should be followed.
  • The level of pain may vary among patients. It is normal for sutures to be painful for a week.
  • Changing eating habits can lead to short-term bowel problems, constipation, or reflux.
  • It is normal for weight loss to slow down one month after surgery.