Stages of the stay in Turkey with Medespoir

Choosing Medespoir to arrange a stay in Turkey for you is one of the most sensible decisions you can make in order to have a successful plastic surgery. For over a decade, Medespoir has built a solid reputation for medical stays through its network and collaboration with the best surgeons, clinics and hotels.

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Staying in Turkey

File Processing

Before we begin to tell you about the steps of the stay offered by Medespoir, it is important to point out that anyone wishing to perform cosmetic surgery in Turkey need only send a free quote request online after choosing their cosmetic surgery procedure.

An express quote for an initial phone contact

One of our medical assistants will then be able to contact you and provide you with the pricing details as well as the necessary information about the stages of the stay in Turkey.
During this stage, all the details related to the operation, the clinic, the hotel and the accompaniment will be transmitted by our consultant.

Personalized medical record processing

The processing of your medical record begins with the first contact. This step is necessary to:

  • Understand your expectations and answer your questions;
  • Create your medical record and forward it to the surgeon;
  • Communicate to you the information useful for the smooth running of your stay.

Schedule Consultation and receive your Free Quote

Patient guide

Customized coaching

Transportation and airport welcome

Once all the details have been worked out, your medical assistant will be responsible for waiting for you at the airport to accompany you to the hotel and then to the clinic.

Presence of the medical assistant as well as the translator

The presence of the counselor will facilitate communication between you and the surgeon who will be accompanied by a translator with whom you will have no problem exchanging. Thus, the surgeon performs the preoperative consultation to answer the patient's questions and explain the course of the procedure that you will have chosen and that will correspond to you as well as the operative consequences.

The course of your cosmetic surgery in Turkey

In most cases, the surgery is scheduled for the next day and the patient will be able to perform the necessary tests, but it also happens to be taken care of the same day.
After leaving the block, the patient goes to the rest room where he will continue to be monitored by the surgeon and nurses.
When the patient's condition allows, it is possible to go out to visit some tourist sites and tour the city with our assistant. The recovery period continues at the hotel until the end of the stay.

Remote Monitoring

Remote Monitoring

When the patient goes home, they continue to be monitored remotely. Want to know how? It's simple, it's always possible to reach the Medespoir medical team, to talk about the various concerns you may have regarding the procedure. On the other hand, if you really need to consult a doctor to follow the state of your healing, your counselor will send you the list of Medespoir's partner doctors in your city.
In fact, Medespoir's counselors make sure to provide remote follow-up to deal with possible complications and to ensure the patient's good recovery.

The media is talking about us!

The success of Medespoir has crossed the borders through the media, but also the word of mouth of satisfied patients. Several videos are published throughout the net, but this is not limited to the testimonies of patients, reports have been made by TV channels such as RTS, which talked about the cosmetic surgery performed by the young patients in French-speaking Switzerland. The quality of the services, the attractive prices and the clinic and the comfort enjoyed by the patients were also mentioned.

Testimony of sarrah: full liposuction + lipofilling

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