Dimple surgery Istanbul price creation dimples chin, cheeks and lower back Turkey

What is a dimple?

A natural dimple is the result of a small opening in a muscle of the cheek called the buccinator muscle. Although it is an inherited trait, it can be created through a minimally invasive surgical procedure called dimpleplasty.

Although the dimple is due to a defect in the facial muscle, it is considered in many cultures to be a very attractive feature. The dimples are considered a sign of youth and beauty that accentuates the smile of the person who has them.

People born with natural facial dimples may lose them or have their depth diminish as they age and their skin, muscles, and physical weight change.

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What are the types of dimples?

Cheek Dimples

This is the most common and well-known dimple located on the cheeks. It can be found on many areas of the cheek, and some people have only one dimple instead of two. Dimples can add angularity to the face and often the person undergoing the procedure is perceived to have lost weight. During your consultation with the surgeon, you will discuss the depth and location of the dimple you desire.

Chin dimple

ften referred to as a chin cleft, this dimple is less common on the face and results from a link to the underlying jaw structure. Because it is a dominant trait, the likelihood of inheriting a chin dimple is high if one parent has it.

Dorsal or lower back dimple

This type of dimple, also called the Venus dimple after the Roman goddess of beauty, is the least known of the three. It is located in the lower back and is more common in women than in men.

How much does dimple surgery cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

The cost of any procedure is based on the level of surgery, the time and resources needed, and the type of anesthesia you choose.

Contact Medespoir Aesthetics Turkey for more information about dimple surgery and we can arrange your consultation with the surgeon.

The price of dimple surgery in Istanbul, Turkey will also depend on the type of dimples desired. For the cheek dimple, some patients already have one and only need another.

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Patient Guide

Are you a candidate for dimple surgery in Istanbul?

Most healthy people can be candidates for a Turkey dimple surgery. During your consultation, a review of your medical history and an examination will determine if you are a candidate.

How to prepare before dimple surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, it is important to discontinue anticoagulant medications. If you have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes or other medical problems, you should inform the surgeon. It is customary for patients to take oral antibiotics and use an antibacterial mouthwash prior to surgery. During your consultation, the surgeon will review your medical and dental history, as well as any medications and supplements you are currently taking.

How does dimple surgery work in Istanbul, Turkey?

Dimple creation in the cheeks is a procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia.

Before the procedure, the surgeon will mark the area with you so that you are fully aware of the intended location of the dimple.

During the procedure, the surgeon will make a small opening in the mouth and work on the buccinator muscle inside the cheek to create a natural-looking dimple. The inside of the cheek is closed with stitches will resolve you can resume most of your normal activities after this short procedure.

The tendon is then pulled to elevate the area where the upper and lower eyelids meet and reattached with stitches. Once the operation is complete, a temporary protective shield is placed over your eyes.

Because the procedure is performed inside the mouth, the outside appearance of the surgery is not visible. The surgeon combines technical skill, artistry and expertise for a faster recovery, so you can enjoy the compliments of your new dimples sooner.

During your consultation with the surgeon, he or she will provide you with information about the optimal location and the degree of depth you can anticipate.

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What is the duration of dimple surgery in Turkey?

Dimple creation surgery is a quick, relatively painless, outpatient procedure. A dimple creation surgery takes about 30 minutes.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation. To create dimples, the procedure is performed inside the cheek and there are no scars or incisions on the outer skin.

Convalescence after dimple creation surgery

It is very important to follow postoperative care to ensure a successful recovery. The surgeon and his team will provide you with instructions.

As the oral cavity is a source of bacteria, proper care must be maintained. An antiseptic mouthwash should be used several times a day to keep the site as germ-free as possible.

Appropriate antibiotics will also be prescribed to speed healing. The surgeon may also provide medication for pain relief, if necessary. Mild to moderate inflammation will remain for a few days.

Excessively animated facial expressions should be avoided for best results during the healing phase.

What are the results of dimple surgery in Turkey?

The sutures dissolve and resolve in about two weeks and the skin softens, resulting in a more natural appearance. As the internal tissue heals, it connects the cheek muscle to the skin, creating a dimple when smiling. This period can vary from a few days to several weeks depending on the healing process and the extent of the tissue removed.

It usually takes a few weeks for your new dimple to look natural. You will be able to eat after surgery, but it is recommended that you wait until the anesthesia wears off. The surgeon will review the risks, benefits and options before your procedure. In some rare cases, there may be temporary weakness of the cheek muscle after surgery, which may last a few weeks.

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Is dimple creation surgery reversible?

While dimple creation is a surgery with a permanent and long-lasting result, this does not mean that all cosmetic dimples are completely irreversible. Dimple creation can be partially reversible. In reversal surgery, the cheek tissue can be released and the skin separated from the underlying muscle. As with all cosmetic surgeries, there are exceptions.

How to prepare before dimple surgery

As with any surgery, it is important to stop blood thinning medications. If you have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes or other medical problems, you should inform the surgeon. It is customary for patients to take oral antibiotics and use an antibacterial mouthwash prior to surgery. During your consultation, the surgeon will review your medical and dental history, as well as any medications and supplements you are currently taking.

How soon can I return to work?

Most people return to work the next day. The surgeon and his or her team will let you know after the procedure if it is necessary to take more time before returning to work.

Is dimple surgery risky?

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks. The surgeon will meet with you to discuss the procedure and the risks so that you can make an informed decision.

Can you get facial dimples without surgery?

If you were not born with dimples, it is not possible to achieve lasting dimples with methods such as facial exercises. Some people have tried to get dimples by having their cheeks pierced instead of having dimple surgery.

Unfortunately, the results of piercing can be limited and variable. Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of having their dimples pierced.